Music, Song,
Stories, Dance
and the Arts.
Traditional music and song, particularly Irish language seanós singing is at the fore of the cultural offering in Connemara. Spanning hundreds of years, the tradition has been passed down from generation to generation with little change in the style and delivery.

Music is food for the soul and thankfully there is no shortage of it in Connemara and the islands. From Traditional to Contemporary, there is a wealth of talent and variety with unique Irish language singing to the fore. Let us create a private performance and music session for you where you will learn the stories behind the songs and the accompanying tunes.

Traditional Crafts
The arts and crafts industry plays a central part in the lives of people from Connemara and the Aran islands. With many artists inspired by the rugged breathtaking landscape, they have created works of art from their surroundings. We will connect you with the creators and makers of a wide range of traditional and contemporary arts and crafts and also hear their personal stories and witness the fruits of their labour.

Connemara and the Aran Islands is the largest and most populated Irish language speaking region in Ireland. You will witness the language all around you from Road signs to table menus, from the spoken to the written word, you will learn and understand the importance of the language that was spoken by our ancestors and is enjoying a revival amongst the younger generation of Irish both at home and abroad.
An abundance of
freshly sourced
Mackerel, Herring, Pollock, Monkfish are but a few of the seawater fish sourced in the seas of Connemara with scallop, crab, lobster and mussels readily available. Salted Wrass fish which was in great demand by Irish emigrants has a bond with people and clear memories of the taste and smell of home.
FoodInis Mór, Inis Meáin and Inis Oírr or the Big Island, Middle Island and Easterly Island in english stands as the last mark of civilization before taking on the wild Atlantic ocean to the west.